
Setting Up Your Ledger Device with Ledger Live

Ledger Live is the official desktop application provided by Ledger for managing your Ledger hardware wallet and cryptocurrencies. Follow these steps to start setting up your Ledger device using Ledger Live:


  • Ledger Device: Ensure you have your Ledger hardware wallet (e.g., Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X).

  • Computer: Windows (7+), macOS (10.10+), or Linux (64-bit).

  • Internet Connection: Required for downloading Ledger Live and updating firmware.

Steps to Set Up Your Ledger Device:

  1. Visit Ledger Website:

    • Open your web browser and go to Ledger.com/start.

  2. Download Ledger Live:

    • Click on the 'Downloads' section or navigate to Ledger Live from the main menu on the Ledger website.

    • Choose the version of Ledger Live compatible with your operating system.

    • Download the installation file and follow your operating system's prompts to complete the installation.

  3. Launch Ledger Live:

    • After installation, launch Ledger Live by double-clicking the application icon on your desktop or finding it in your applications folder.

  4. Setup Process:

    • When prompted, choose 'Set up a new device' if this is your first time using Ledger Live.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Ledger device to your computer using the USB cable provided.

    • Initialize your Ledger device by following the instructions displayed on its screen (e.g., confirming setup, choosing a PIN, and recording your recovery phrase).

  5. Install Apps on Your Ledger Device:

    • In Ledger Live, navigate to the 'Manager' tab.

    • Install the apps for the cryptocurrencies you want to manage on your Ledger device. This step ensures your Ledger can interact with specific blockchain networks.

  6. Adding Accounts:

    • Return to the 'Accounts' tab in Ledger Live.

    • Add accounts for each cryptocurrency you installed apps for by following the prompts and confirming on your Ledger device.

  7. Manage Your Assets:

    • You can now manage your cryptocurrency assets directly through Ledger

Last updated